2014년 12월 11일 목요일

Shesmedi Hospital Infertility Center-Infertility Workup

Infertility Center

To diagnose and treat infertility and their causes, different kinds of tests are practiced.
Infertility Workup

Initial assessment
: This testing starts on the first day of visitation to the hospital. An ultrasound test and a Pap smear test are performed to check for any diseases in the reproductive organs.

Semen Analysis (partner’s sperm test)
: Collected after an ejaculatory abstinence period of 2 to 5 days.
: Sperm count, motility, morphology and volume will be measured and examined under the light microscopy.
Hormone Test (blood check)
: A hormone test for checking problems with ovarian function, hypothalamic-pituitary factors, thyroid disorders and adrenal disease.
: 2nd or 3rd day of menstrual period

: This testing begins as soon as one’s menstruation is finished- Checks for fallopian tubal blockage and abnormality of the uterine cavity (polyp, submucosal fibroids, uterine synechia and so on)
Postcoital test
: This testing is done with a microscope to study the uterine cervical mucus the day after intercourse.
: The test checks the sperm count and their motility. The presence of antibodies in the uterine cervical mucus which may interfere with sperm motility can be estimated from this test.

Follicular monitoring through ultrasound
: Ultrasound can examine the process of follicle development in the ovaries.: It checks for the normal follicle development, and the thickness of the endometrium when ovulating to estimate the exact ovulation date, which can help the fertility rate.
Diagonal Laparoscopy
: This testing begins as soon as one’s menstruation is finished.
: The method is used for unexplained infertility to see the abdominal area by using the endoscope and examining the presence of endometriosis or other conditions.
: This method is also used for treatment purposes when blocked or damaged tubes or endometriosis is suspected.


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Shesmedi Hospital - Infertility Center

Shesmedi Hospital - Infertility Center

Shesmedi Hospital - Infertility Center

Shesmedi Hospital - Infertility Center

Shesmedi Hospital - Infertility Center

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